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The charts presented in the articles are gathered here. You can save and share them, and search for them by publication, by subject area or by date of release.

23 charts

Steep drop in bank share prices at the outbreak of the coronavirus crisis

Strong reaction in the cost of hedging credit risk at the outbreak of the crisis

Consumer confidence in the economy deteriorated amid the coronavirus crisis

Increasing number of Swedish consumers expecting a fall in house prices

What was the volume of new corporate loans granted by your bank during the survey period, percentage change on the previous period

A bank's balance sheet before the crisis and after the escalation of the crisis

Growth in new loans per size of enterprise, percentage change on the previous period

Regarding corporate loans, how many interest-only periods or other allowances in repayment arrangements did your bank grant during the survey period, number of exemptions on bars

Credit losses of banks operating in Finland on loans to Finnish non-financial corporations and households

Estimated impact of the macroprudential decisions taken by other countries and the FIN-FSA of Finnish banks' additional capital buffers and lending capacity

Developments in house prices began to diverge after 2009 recession

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