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Finnish economy would recover more rapidly if exports and consumption pick up

At the turning points of business cycles, economic recovery has often turned out to be faster than forecast. Growth could pick up if consumers’ confidence in the economy and in their own finances were to strengthen more than expected and exports to grow more quickly than forecast.

Finland’s banking sector could withstand even a harsher recession than forecast

The capital position of Finland’s banking sector is expected to strengthen in the immediate years ahead, provided that interest rates and the economy develop in line with forecasts. In a very severe economic crisis, the capital position would weaken significantly but would still remain adequate.

Fiscal policy and debt sustainability in the euro area since the COVID-19 pandemic and energy crisis

The revised EU fiscal rules aim to improve primary balances and consequently strengthen the debt sustainability of EU Member States.The sustainability of government debt levels depends on the size of the interest rate-growth differential and primary balances.

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