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Financial stability assessment: Debt-to-income cap and maturity limits necessary to curb financial stability risks

COVID-19 has not shaken the operating capacity of the Finnish financial system. However, there is cause for concern in the prolonged growth of household indebtedness, which could threaten Finland’s ability to cope with future economic crises.

Financial stability assessment: Stability of Finnish financial system cannot be taken for granted

Finland’s financial system has functioned without serious problems during the difficult economic situation of recent years. However, the concentrated and interlinked nature of the financial sector means that the consequences of a financial crisis could be extremely serious for Finland.

Financial stability assessment: Household debt and banking sector concentration pose risks for Finland

According to the Bank of Finland’s stability report, the financial system has remained stable despite the lack of improvement in the Finnish economy. Weak developments of the Finnish economy and risks building up on the financial markets, such as growing search for yield and low interest rates, could expose the system to risks.

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