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Finnish economy would recover more rapidly if exports and consumption pick up

At the turning points of business cycles, economic recovery has often turned out to be faster than forecast. Growth could pick up if consumers’ confidence in the economy and in their own finances were to strengthen more than expected and exports to grow more quickly than forecast.

Alternative scenario: Higher interest rates are slowing inflation and economic growth in Finland

In Finland, variable rate mortgages are common, which to some extent is amplifying the impacts of monetary policy on economic growth and inflation. A key factor is the extent to which households have a financial margin to use as a buffer against increases in their loan servicing costs.

Household consumption could be hard hit in the energy crisis

The alternative scenario in the Bank of Finland’s forecast for the Finnish economy examines risks surrounding the Bank’s December 2022 baseline forecast which, should they materialise, could lead economic growth to be weaker than projected. The scenario estimates the possible impacts on the Finnish economy if Russia’s war in Ukraine drags on and if the availability of energy weakens further and economic uncertainty increases.

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